[keycloak-dev] Hawtio questions

Marek Posolda mposolda at redhat.com
Tue Nov 18 04:37:42 EST 2014

Few questions about hawtio integration:

- What hawtio version are we targetting? For now I am working with 
hawtio master (1.5-SNAPSHOT) but checked that 
jboss-fuse-6.1.0.redhat-379 is based on hawtio-1.2-redhat-379 .

- Will be hawtio default authentication mechanism still kept and 
Keycloak integration available just on demand? Or is it hawtio going to 
be removed and replaced by Keycloak entirely? For now I suppose that 
it's former case, so default + Keycloak authentication should be both 
available and Keycloak is going to be enabled by some configuration switch.

- Are we targetting future versions of hawtio and JBoss fuse or also 
current versions? In other words, is it the point also to have keycloak 
authentication working in existing jboss-fuse-6.1.0.redhat-379? It may 
be tricky to add to current versions and it may require people to 
add/edit some JS files for have integration available. But it's doable 
for sure.


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