[keycloak-dev] release soon?

Marek Posolda mposolda at redhat.com
Tue Nov 18 08:54:35 EST 2014

One minor thing related to common adapter, which I am thinking about, 
could be simple logging spi. As currently tomcat, jetty and other 
adapters need to have jboss-logging available as keycloak-adapter-core 
have dependency on it. I wonder about creating something simple like:

public interface KeycloakLogger {
   boolean isTraceEnabled();
   boolean isDebugEnabled();
   void trace(Stringm essage);
   void debug(String message);
   void info(String message);
   void warn(String message);
   void error(String message);
   void warn(String message, Throwable throwable);
   void error(String message, Throwable throwable);

Then when you call:


it will return delegate based on jboss-logging if jboss-logging could be 
found by classloader. Otherwise fallback to JDK logging (maybe more 
fallbacks like log4j could be later added too if needed).

This will apply just for keycloak-adapter-core (no need to refactor any 
server-side code as auth-server is supposed to run on wildfly or EAP6 
where is jboss-logging always available).

There are some 3rd party libs like slf4j, which already works in similar 
way, but I would rather avoid another deps (and namely slf4j could be 
problematic) and do something simple on our own.



On 18.11.2014 14:31, Bill Burke wrote:
> I'd like to do a release very soon so we can get the Jetty and Tomcat
> adapters into the field.  Since we now have 8 different Java adapters
> for 3 different servlet containers, I'm going to work on refactoring the
> adapters this week to see if I can simplify the design and push more
> common code into a common module.
> After that I'd like to take a break from integration work.  Maybe work
> on IP Filtering and/or claim support.

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