[keycloak-dev] security proxy prototype

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Thu Nov 20 22:07:03 EST 2014

I was bored of writing adapters, so I decided to take a break and build 
a security proxy.  Prototype is functional, but still needs some work.

You can secure any HTTP based app or service with zero changes to the 
proxied app.  You just specify the host port of the server and then 
web.xml-like security constraints.  I was able to re-use everything we 
had so far.  Undertow was insanely modular and already had everything I 
needed to piece things together.

Left to do?  Testing all constraint parameters, build a config parser 
and format, and build a distro.  Should take 1 or 2 more days for all of 

As a side effect, we now have a pure Undertow adapter.
Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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