[keycloak-dev] [Android] KeyCloak Authenticator

Summers Pittman supittma at redhat.com
Mon Sep 15 10:38:29 EDT 2014


Over the weekend I tried my hand at writing a Android Account 
Authenticator for KeyCloak.  This lets Android manage the KeyCloak 
account, fetch tokens, provide tokens to other apps etc.  KeyCloak 
Authenticator let's you drop your keycloak.json file into an apk and 
access your KeyCloak Account with one line of code from any application 
on your Android device.

Right now this is very much in the "I have an itch needing scratching" 
phase.  It doesn't do any robust error handling, hasn't been testing off 
the golden scenario, has no integration with any of the AeroGear stuff, 
etc.  Take a moment to watch the Demo and look at the demo project.

  Video Demo : 

The Demo video uses Android's native account menu to request from the 
authenticator a KeyCloak account.  This launches the authenticator's 
activity which will retrieve the credentials for Android and store 
them.  When I am back in the settings page and showing off the stored 
account, this is all native Android UI and not part of the KeyCloak 

When I launch the Demo application this is a separate application from 
the authenticator apk.  The Demo project fetches the KeyCloak account 
from Android and gets its auth token.  Then it makes a request to 
KeyCloak's account service to fetch the user's account data.

In the demo app there are three lines of code related to auth.

   final Account account = am.getAccountsByType("org.keycloak.Account")[0];
   String token = am.getAuthToken(account, "org.keycloak.Account.token", 
null, null, null, null).getResult().getString(AccountManager.KEY_AUTHTOKEN);


provider.setDefaultHeader("Authorization", "bearer " + token);

The first two lines fetch the account and token from Android.  The 
second line attaches the account's auth token to the web request to the 

So now what?  I'll probably use this for my projects/demos because it 
makes my work easier.  Right now it doesn't have any connection to any 
of the "official" projects (Again, I wrote this over the weekend to see 
if I could) however it may be quite useful to someone.  In the project's 
README I've included a (incomplete) list of things that don't work.


Links :
  Project : https://github.com/secondsun/keycloak-android-authenticator
  Video Demo : 
  Demo Source : 

Summers Pittman
>>Phone:404 941 4698
>>Java is my crack.

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