[keycloak-dev] Appliance dist and WildFly feature packs

Stian Thorgersen stian at redhat.com
Tue Sep 16 05:59:40 EDT 2014

WildFly 9 introduces features packs which seams ideal for us to build Keycloak upon.

I'd like to start a "wildfly-9" branch of Keycloak that uses feature-packs and WildFly's built in mechanism to create the appliance distro. This would replace our current custom appliance-dist. Further I'd like us to have two flavours of Keycloak:

* "appliance-lite": minimum Keycloak server only dist. For those that want a standalone Keycloak server. Builds on WildFly "web-lite" dist, but we need to add Hibernate, RestEasy and Connectors (datasources) as well
* "appliance": full WildFly dist. For those that want to co-locate their JavaEE apps with the Keycloak server. Builds on the full WildFly dist.

I've already tried to run Keycloak on WildFly 9.0.0.alpha1 web-lite and it works fine. Only thing I had to do was to include RestEasy and Hibernate jars in auth-server.war and configure the database directly in keycloak-server.json instead of using a datasource.

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