[keycloak-dev] Use Cassandra as storage instead of MySQL and MongoDB

Marek Posolda mposolda at redhat.com
Wed Dec 9 03:25:50 EST 2015

On 09/12/15 06:35, chanras.sun at jcamst.com wrote:
> Hi,
> My core backend system use Cassandra and Elasticsearch, running on 
> Wildfly 9.
> I need to change keycloak data store implementation to use Cassandra 
> instead of MySQL and MongdoDB.
You have already some existing users data in Cassandra? In that case, 
you can implement federation provider, so your users will be visible to 
Keycloak and imported into Keycloak internal storage. If you want to 
store all core model data in Cassandra (realms, users etc), we don't 
have support for that though. We have just JPA and Mongo support now. I 
wonder if you can't use JPA model to store data into Cassandra?

> I need also change login, sign up to fit with my web app.
We have themes support. See documentation and examples.

> What is the best way to change as I mentioned above?
> Best Regards,
> Sun Chanras
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