[keycloak-dev] Improve browser caching?

Marek Posolda mposolda at redhat.com
Tue Feb 3 17:00:07 EST 2015

We seem to have many questions each release related to non-working 
things due to stale browser cache. Usually it's due to changes in admin 
console, but it may be even worse if we ever change something in CSS/JS 
of login or account mgmt, as those are available for end users.

I wonder if we can somehow improve this? One possible solution is to 
attach the redundant parameter with version to the cached resources. 
Something like: "/auth/theme/.../stylesheet.css?v=1.1.0.Final", so 
upgrade to next version will force browser to reload the resource.

The problem is longer (and not so nice) URLs and also some refactoring 
needed. For freemarker templates, we can add version parameter at 
runtime. However for admin console HTML pages, we would need to add 
version somehow at compile time though.

There is also possibility to attach hash instead of version (Juca 
mentioned this to me some time ago), but not sure if it's big difference.

Any better ideas? Or should we rather just keep it as it is?


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