[keycloak-dev] Liquibase errors on first startup with KC 1.1.0-Final

Marek Posolda mposolda at redhat.com
Wed Feb 18 05:00:33 EST 2015

Thanks Bruno,

Are you seeing this issue just for H2 or also for other databases? I 
mean it's probably ok if we have a requirement for H2 to use separate 
database (directory) as H2 is more like testing database.

However for MySQL and PostgreSQL is probably not nice, if Keycloak has 
requirement to have separate DB dedicated to Keycloak data and separate 
DB to other data. In this case, we would likely need to improve things IMO.


On 18.2.2015 09:43, Bruno Oliveira wrote:
> Hi Marek, answering you question, yes. I think what you suggested is 
> the best approach, if that does not work we let you know.
> Thanks a lot
> abstractj
> PGP: 0x84DC9914
> On Wed, Feb 18, 2015 at 5:06 AM, Marek Posolda <mposolda at redhat.com 
> <mailto:mposolda at redhat.com>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     Is Keycloak DB and Aerogear DB points to same database? Will it
>     help if you point keycloak DB to different one (ie. use different
>     H2 directory for your datasource and KeycloakDS datasource) ?
>     Otherwise feel free to create JIRA with steps to reproduce.
>     Marek
>     On 18.2.2015 08:03, Sebastien Blanc wrote:
>>     Hi !
>>     Any ideas for this ?
>>     Should I open a ticket ?
>>     On 02/12/2015 03:35 PM, Sebastien Blanc wrote:
>>>     Hi,
>>>     We discovered recently that deploying Keycloak (the one that
>>>     comes with the AeroGear distro) on a "fresh" Wildfly 8.2  was
>>>     generating liquibase errors (
>>>     https://gist.github.com/lholmquist/f031f7a3d88477ba81a7).
>>>     Restarting the server removes these errors.
>>>     Any idea ? Should I open a ticket ?
>>>     It concerns 1.1.0-Final
>>>     Sebi
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