[keycloak-dev] aggregate modules

Stan Silvert ssilvert at redhat.com
Thu Jan 22 16:25:22 EST 2015

You could also try using aggregator modules like org.jboss.as.aggregate 
and javaee.api.  That way, you retain the flexibility of having each jar 
in its own module but you can still reference the groups.

BTW, I'm back up and running.  Woo Hooooo!

On 1/22/2015 3:14 PM, Bill Burke wrote:
> Hey,
> I was thinking of having a few aggregate modules instead of having one
> jboss-deployment-structure.xml that includes everything (50+ modules).
> keycloak-server - includes base SPIs and keycloak-providers module
> keycloak-adapter
> keycloak-providers - includes JPA and infinispan providers by default
> keycloak-mongo-providers - all stuff that uses mongo
> keycloak-jpa-providers - all stuff that uses jpa
> keycloak-infinispan-providers - all stuff that uses infinispan
> keycloak-social-plugins - all social provider plugins
> This way, if dependencies need to be added/removed/modified, you don't
> have to edit the WAR.
> Sorry I've taken so long...  A lot of distractions this week.

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