[keycloak-dev] Hide internal clients and roles

Vlastimil Elias velias at redhat.com
Wed Jun 10 07:39:53 EDT 2015

Please keep at least 'account' client visible. I can imagine usecases 
when KC admin wants to disable it.
Also it will be hard to find correct URL of the account management app 
if it will be hidden.



On 10.6.2015 09:19, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
> I propose we add an attribute 'kc_internal' to internal clients (security-admin-console, master-realm, account, broker) and hide these from the clients table.
> We should also do this to internal roles 'admin' and 'create-realm' so these roles are not displayed in realm roles list. They would only be hidden from this page, but still be visible in user role mapping, scope mappings and default roles.
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Vlastimil Elias
Principal Software Engineer
jboss.org Development Team

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