[keycloak-dev] Deleting a user fails without error

Marek Posolda mposolda at redhat.com
Tue Jun 30 08:27:42 EDT 2015

Hi Scott,

I've just tried this with latest Keycloak master and deleting the user 
from admin console works fine (I used default JPA with HSQLDB database).

Can you also check with admin console? If deleting through admin console 
works fine, then there is likely something bad in the way you're 
invoking the REST endpoint.

BTV. in latest master you're supposed to invoke the REST endpoint with 
user id instead of "username" as last parameter. But I am not sure if it 
was really username in 1.2.0 and it changed to ID in latest version...


On 30.6.2015 04:57, Scott Rossillo wrote:
> In 1.2.0, an HTTP delete on “/auth/admin/realms/{realm}/users/{username}” returns a 200 OK, but the user still exists. A second call usually succeeds at actually deleting the user. Seems like a bug.
> Thoughts?
> ~ Scott
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