[keycloak-dev] Importing json from 1.1.0 into 1.2.0

Marek Posolda mposolda at redhat.com
Thu Mar 19 15:36:36 EDT 2015

On 19.3.2015 14:54, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
> I came up with a simple solution to import json from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0.
> In RealmRepresentation and UserRepresentation the old social properties are re-added with a @Deprecated. In RepresentationToModel the first thing that's done is to convert these to the new identity brokering properties. For details see https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/commit/8a38597b3acdb568d794d1d424961c98198a5361
> If we do the same for claims to protocol-mappers we should be fine with importing json representations from 1.1.0.Final into 1.2.0.Beta1.
I've pushed the migration for mongo and added MigrationUtils with method 
for convert old claimsMask to corresponding protocol mappers. I hope it 
can be reused for JSON and jpa as well. I've added separate module 
"mongo-update" similarly like we have for JPA as it needs access to 
keycloak-services (LoginProtocolFactory and protocol mappers are there).

For the migration I did:
- Migration of "social" to identity providers
- Migration of social links to federated identities for users
- Migration of claims mask to protocol mappers
- Adding new admin roles for "view-identity-providers" and 
"manage-identity-providers" (This is causing KEYCLOAK-1078)
- Adding accessTokenCodeLoginTimeout to existing clients with 1800 seconds

Did I miss something?

I will start on liquibase tomorrow, will need to fix databases first as 
many of them are failing in jenkins now..

Will revisit migration again after final model changes related to 
identity brokering are pushed.

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