[keycloak-dev] Import proposal

Stian Thorgersen sthorger at redhat.com
Mon Nov 9 07:20:18 EST 2015

Currently we support importing a complete realm definition using the
import/export feature. Issues with the current approach is:

* Only complete realm - not possible to add to an existing realm
* No good feedback if import was successful or not
* Use of system properties to initiate the import is not very user friendly
* Not very elegant for provisioning. For example a Docker image that want's
to bundle some initial setup ends up always running the import of a realm,
which is skipped if realm exists

To solve this I've come up with the following proposal:

Allow dropping representations to be imported into 'standalone/import'.
This should support creating a new realm as well as importing into an
existing realm. When importing into an existing realm we will have an
import strategy that is used to configure what happens if a resource exists
(user, role, identity provider, user federtation provider). The import
strategies are:

* Skip - existing resources are skipped,
* Fail - if any resource exists nothing is imported
* Overwrite - any existing resources are deleted.

The directory will be scanned at startup, but there will also be an option
to monitor this directory at runtime.

To prevent a file being imported multiple times (also to make sure only one
node in a cluster imports) we will have a table in the database that
contains what files was imported, from what node, date and result
(including a list of what resources where imported, which was not, and
stack trace if applicable). The primary key will be the checksum of the
file. We will also add marker files (<json file>.imported or <json
file>.failed). The contents of the marker files will be a json object with
date imported, outcome (including stack trace if applicable) as well as a
complete list of what resources was successfully imported, what where not.

The files will also allow resolving system properties and environment
variables. For example:

    "secret": "${env.MYCLIENT_SECRET}"

This will be very convenient for example with Docker as it would be very
easy to create a Docker image that extends ours to add a few clients and

It will also be convenient for examples as it will make it possible to add
the required clients and users to an existing realm.
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