[keycloak-dev] groups in

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Fri Nov 20 12:22:50 EST 2015

* Groups are hierarchical.  One parent, multiple children.  UI is a 
tree.  Probably needs some UIX love.  I couldn't get a drag-drop Tree 
widget working...As a result, you have to use a combination of button 
presses to add a group to a parent.  (new/cut/paste)
* Attribute and Role mappers will now take group membership into account 
when mapping tokens and SAML assertions.
* Default Groups added.  Same as Default Roles, accept for groups.
* There are new GroupMappers added to SAML and OIDC mappers.  They are 
not on by default.

This work probably should have been done a week or two ago, but oh 
well...I'm inefficient lately...

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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