[keycloak-dev] changing adapter error handling

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Mon Nov 23 10:13:10 EST 2015

Any servlet based adapter will now be using 
HttpServletResponse.sendError with the appropriate Http status code of 
the protocol.  To handle errors, users will have to add the appropriate 
error code handlers in web.xml.  I should have done that in the first 
place, but quite honestly, I didn't even know that existed in the 
servlet spec.

I'll be setting a request attribute that contains a protocol specific 
object so that people can view the error code, message, or anything else 
the protocol provides (i.e. SAML errors can be quite complex and can 
have their own document).

Hopefully I"ll have this done by tomorrow.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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