[keycloak-dev] Refresh tokens no longer reusable

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Wed Oct 14 19:27:51 EDT 2015

On 10/14/2015 5:49 PM, Marek Posolda wrote:
> On 14/10/15 20:24, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
>> Refresh tokens are no longer reusable. This is done by setting the
>> client sessions timestamp when a new refresh token is issued. If the
>> refresh tokens iat value is less than the client sessions timestamp
>> it's not permitted.
>> If anyone has time I'd appreciate a review of the changes:
>> <https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/pull/1732>https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/pull/1732
>> For anyone that runs into issues with this policy there's an option to
>> disable it in the admin console in the realms token settings.
>> This does not apply to offline tokens (at least yet). We need to add
>> it to offline tokens as well though as it's even more important for
>> those. There's two problems with offline tokens though, firstly the
>> setTimestamp is not permitted on offline client sessions. Secondly if
>> we allow setting it we would have to persist it, unless someone can
>> come up with something clever.
> I think we don't need to persist, but just save clientSession with
> updated timestamp into infinispan/memory. Then during startup, the
> timestamp of clientSessions will be updated to startup time similarly
> like we have for lastSessionRefresh of user sessions. The refresh will
> be allowed if (iat == clientSession.timestamp OR startupTime ==
> clientSession.timestamp) . In other words, first refresh after server
> restart will be always allowed.
> There is some chance that there  can be same refresh token used two
> times (if attacker will do second refresh after server restart). But
> then clientSession timestamp will be updated and regular user won't be
> allowed to refresh his token and will recognize error.
> But question is, do we really want refreshTokenReusable to be disabled
> by default? For offline tokens, people will often need to save the
> offline token into their database on application side. With
> refreshTokenReusable disabled, they will need to always write into their
> DB and save new offline token after each refresh.

My own personal opinion is that we are making this fix to pass some 
random company's security audit that I don't particularly agree with. 
If a client has been compromised, then its offline tokens should be 
revoked and a revocation not-before policy should be pushed out.  As it 
is, the only reason we need to regenerate the refresh token is to update 
its timestamp for idle checks.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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