[keycloak-dev] What to do about Java admin client
Guus der Kinderen
guus.der.kinderen at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 06:31:43 EDT 2016
Hi Stian,
First off: I didn't know that Keycloak existed three weeks ago. Much of
what I write might be a result of me being unfamiliar with earlier design
choices. That being said:
Based on the snippet that you provided I'd argue that it is the service,
rather than the admin client, that could/should be improved. When
implementing a (REST) service, it is common to provide a representation as
part of the response to a create (POST) request: the service response
should include the most up-to-date representation of the resource, which
prevents the client from having to reconstruct it (exactly what you're
doing in that snippet), which is tedious, error-prone and lacking the
inclusion of server-generated values. On top of that, if a client needs
multiple requests to recreate a representation, concurrency issues come in
to play. Who's to say that all responses reflect the exact same state,
server sided?
Restructuring the web services could lead to a large change (although
inclusion of representation in responses might be backwards compatible, as
the random sample of services that I checked appear to currently have empty
responses - perhaps the representation could simply 'fit in'). In any case,
timing-wise, such an effort would coincide with the upcoming 2.0
Based on the above, my suggestion would be:
1) Apart from the changes above, there might not be a need to rewrite the
admin client. From my basic use over the last two weeks, I like it's
simplicity. It provides a low-level entry point for people that start with
Keycloak, which is good.
2) I can't say - simply don't have enough experience in this fields. Then
again, in Java, when one says "in theory, it's compatible" it typically
3) Apply the changes for the as-is client to 1.9.x, and improve services
(and as a result, the client) in 2.x
Kind regards,
On 5 April 2016 at 10:19, Stian Thorgersen <sthorger at redhat.com> wrote:
> At least personally I think the admin client needs some TLC. For example
> creating a user requires:
> UserRepresentation user = new UserRepresentation();
> user.setUsername("user");
> Response response = keycloak.realm("realm").users().create(user);
> // Retrieve created user id
> String path = response.getLocation().getPath();
> String id = path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
> // Remember to close the response
> response.close();
> // Set password
> CredentialRepresentation credentials = new
> CredentialRepresentation();
> credentials.setType(CredentialRepresentation.PASSWORD);
> credentials.setValue("password");
> keycloak.realm("realm").users().get(id).resetPassword(credentials);
> // Add role
> RoleRepresentation role =
> keycloak.realm("realm").roles().get("role").toRepresentation();
> keycloak.realm("realm").users().get(id).roles().realmLevel().add(Collections.singletonList(role));
> That's pretty rubbish right?
> In my opinion a lot of the usability issues is caused by directly exposing
> interfaces/proxies from RestEasy Client and it would be much better if we
> introduced a wrapper around it.
> So my questions are:
> 1) What do we do with regards to admin client? Do we just wrap what we
> have, keep it or create a brand new one from scratch?
> 2) Is it an issue that we require a specific RestEasy version to use the
> admin client? This seems a heavy dependency to me, which could conflict
> with other JAX-RS libraries. Using JAX-RS 2 Client would be an improvement
> as it should in theory work with any JAX-RS 2 provider.
> 3) What do we do with current fixes for admin client? Do we merge to
> master and 1.9.x or just merge to master?
> At least from my POV the answers are:
> 1) Create wrappers around interfaces/proxies from RestEasy client and not
> expose JAX-RS directly through the API as that should be an implementation
> detail
> 2) Use JAX-RS 2 client
> 3) Merge fixes to both master and 1.9.x (admin client is not supported in
> product for now, so it's less risky)
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