[keycloak-dev] Optional mappers due to privacy legislation

Stian Thorgersen sthorger at redhat.com
Fri Aug 26 08:03:38 EDT 2016

Afraid consent at the moment is an all or nothing thing. Feel free to
create a JIRA feature request for it though. As we haven't had any demand
for it until now we wouldn't be able to prioritize it at least not in the
short term. We would happily accept a PR, if you'd be interested in doing
that we'll be more than happy to come with guidance and discuss the
implementation with you.

On 25 August 2016 at 15:06, Caroline Sofie Olsen <caroline.s.olsen at gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi all,
>  Given that you have a client that has consent required turned on in the
> admin panel. And in the mappers tab you have chosen specific mappers that
> needs to be consented by the end user.
>  However, due to privacy related legislation, we need to make mappers
> that are not crucial for the application optional for the end user (Crucial
> meaning that the application will not work without those particular
> mapper(s)).
>  Is this functionality supported in Keycloak? I’ve seen this
> functionality in the OpenID Connect documentation (
> http://connect2id.com/learn/openid-connect#example-auth-code-flow). I´ve
> added a screenshot of the OpenID Connect example.
> If it is supported, where do I go from here?
> Also, is it possible to add timestamps for when the user gives consent?
> [if !supportLineBreakNewLine]
> Lastly, for legislative reasons, we also need to know in which scenario
> the user gives consent. Is it on the first sign in, or is it when updating
> consent that the client requires etc. Is this possible?
> Kind regards
> Caroline Olsen
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