[keycloak-dev] Accessing KeycloakDeployment from KeycloakSecurityContext

Marek Posolda mposolda at redhat.com
Wed Jan 6 04:11:11 EST 2016

Not sure, I am like 50/50 . I agree it can simplify some scenarios when 
KeycloakDeployment is accessible from KeycloakSecurityContext. On the 
other hand, KeycloakDeployment exposes some info, which is not necessary 
to be exposed in client apps.

I think you can just cast KeycloakSecurityContext to 
RefreshableKeycloakSecurityContext and get KeycloakDeployment from there?


On 04/01/16 12:53, Thomas Raehalme wrote:
> Hi!
> At the moment KeycloakDeployment is accessible from 
> RefreshableKeycloakSecurityContext, but now from its superclass 
> KeycloakSecurityContext. Is there a reason why the deployment cannot 
> be accessed through the base class?
> When using KeycloakConfigResolver it would simplify things if one 
> could access the deployment context from the security context.
> Best regards,
> Thomas
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