[keycloak-dev] Narrowed down event subjects for AdminEvents

Thomas Darimont thomas.darimont at googlemail.com
Tue Jun 7 05:22:01 EDT 2016

Hello Group,

when writing custom EventListeners for propagating Keycloak Events to
inform downstream systems
of any user related changes one also needs to consider events that are
caused by admins, e.g. AdminEvent.

Examples are the grant / revoke of a role, group membership changes
(derived roles) or user account changes
performed by an admin user.

Currently it is not possible to differentiate those admin events when
looking at the AdminEvent object
without actually parsing / inspecting the representation. This makes it
rather complicated to correctly react
specfic ways for an AdminEvent, e.g. on a Role Membership change, detect
and resolve the new role, the user involved and propagate that to the
downstream systems.

With https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-2961 I tried a simple
workround by adding the
actual realm resource paths to the AdminEvent objekt which allows me to
deduce what actually happend.

Since the associated PR (https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/pull/2774)
was rejected I think a better solution would be to add dedicated "Event
Subject" Information to the AdminEvents.

Marek agreed that this would be a good idea in the PR discussion.

Subjects could be an enum with "ROLE", "USER/ACCOUNT", "GROUP", however for
ROLE one would need to differentiate between REALM_ROLE / CLIENT_ROLE (for
proper lookup) and ROLE creation and ROLE_ASSIGNEMNT, same with GROUP.

Together with the AdminEvent#OperationType one could deduce what happended,
Event OperationType: CREATE
-> role was granted

Event OperationType: DELETE
-> role was revoked

It would be great if the event would carry some narrowed context
information (OperationContext?),
e.g. in case of a CLIENT_ROLE ROLE_ASSIGNMENT: clientId, roleId, userId

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