[keycloak-dev] Keycloak OIDC Adapter and XMLHttpRequest

Pedro Igor Silva psilva at redhat.com
Thu Mar 24 13:08:37 EDT 2016

Hi All and sorry for the long email.

    As you know, most AJAX frameworks send a X-Requested-With request header. This header is quite useful if you want to handle AJAX requests differently than ordinary HTTP requests.

    For most cases, the keycloak.js is the perfect tool to enable user authentication and token management to a client application using HTML5+AJAX. However, we may find use cases where client configuration is restricted and you can't change it very deeply to integrate with Keycloak.

    Well, yes. These are requirements from WildFly/EAP Console (a.k.a HAL) :)

    If you are not familiar about how the console works from a security PoV, you just need to know that there is no specific configuration to secure the console itself, but to secure the Domain Management API. In other words, the console isn't protected at all and relies on the policies defined to the Domain Management API and on the authentication that is performed by the browser (eg.: DIGEST). 

    (There are some reasons why the console isn't protected by the server. For instance, the server is only concerned about protecting the domain management API and also that the console is just one more client that can talk with that API.)

    The console is basically a GWT application using XMLHttpRequest to send requests to the server, where these requests are only accepted if they have some authentication/identity cookie (DIGEST, BASIC or Keycloak Identity Cookie) which can be handled by the browser and added to every single request to the server.

    Thanks to Elytron, we can now protect the Domain Management API with any HTTP mechanism we want without having to change wildfly-core or any other part of the server. In the past few days I've been working on a Keycloak OIDC Adapter based on Elytron APIs and using it to protected the Domain Management API using bearer tokens, which is working nicely. However, using the same adapter, we must also be able to "protect" the console and enable SSO. Which requires a different type of authentication based on a redirection-based flow (Authorization Code Grant).

    The XMLHttpRequest imposes some restrictions on how redirects can be handled, what makes hard to handle 302 status code and redirect the user to another resource. That said, I would like to propose a change to Keycloak OIDC adapters in order to better support XMLHttpRequest requests:

        - The adapter checks if the request contains a X-Requested-With=XMLHttpRequest. If so, returns a response with a 403 status code and an Authorization header as follows:

          Authorization: as_uri="http://localhost:8081/auth/realms/elytron/protocol/openid-connect/auth?response_type=code&client_id=wildfly-cli&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A9990%2Fmanagement&state=2%2F0e177443-e160-49d4-8937-6c7a17a49e62%24%23http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A9990%2Fconsole%2FApp.html&login=true"

          Where "as_uri" can be used by the client to actually redirect the user to the authorization server / keycloak server.

    The reason for a 403 and not a 401 is that some browsers will show a dialog if the server responds with a 401. So we are basically telling the client that the request was forbidden and that it must use "as_uri" to ask for authorization.

    One important thing about this approach is that is up to server to tell to the client where the authorization server is and how it should ask for authorization. The client is pretty much decoupled from the authorization server and just need to know about how to handle the Authorization header with the "as_uri" parameter.

    Any thoughts ?

Pedro Igor    


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