[keycloak-dev] HttpClientBuilder and timeouts
Thomas Raehalme
thomas.raehalme at aitiofinland.com
Wed May 18 02:52:43 EDT 2016
In my opinion they are two separate issues, but related to each other.
KEYCLOAK-3016 describes a situation where this behavior can be reproduced.
As a safety measure I'd still define reasonable timeouts instead of waiting
indefinitely after the issue has been fixed.
I'm examining the testsuite to find the proper place for testing
BasicAuthRequestAuthenticator error handling...
Best regards,
On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 9:47 AM, Stian Thorgersen <sthorger at redhat.com>
> I see you created https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-3016. Is that
> the cause of this issue or are there potentially more issues here?
> On 17 May 2016 at 15:21, Thomas Raehalme <thomas.raehalme at aitiofinland.com
> > wrote:
>> Hi!
>> We have had a couple of strange issues where the HTTP connection pool for
>> the HttpClient used by ServerRequest has been exhausted. Strange thing is,
>> the thread dump on the JVM reports many threads waiting for a connection,
>> but none actually using them.
>> "http-apr-8080-exec-1" #33 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x00007f5c3400b000
>> nid=0x723a waiting on condition [0x00007f5bff7f6000]
>> java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking)
>> at sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method)
>> - parking to wait for <0x00000000eb3edac0> (a
>> java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject)
>> at
>> java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park(LockSupport.java:175)
>> at
>> java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer$ConditionObject.await(AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.java:2039)
>> at
>> org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.WaitingThread.await(WaitingThread.java:159)
>> at
>> org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ConnPoolByRoute.getEntryBlocking(ConnPoolByRoute.java:398)
>> at
>> org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ConnPoolByRoute$1.getPoolEntry(ConnPoolByRoute.java:298)
>> at
>> org.apache.http.impl.conn.tsccm.ThreadSafeClientConnManager$1.getConnection(ThreadSafeClientConnManager.java:238)
>> at
>> org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRequestDirector.execute(DefaultRequestDirector.java:423)
>> at
>> org.apache.http.impl.client.AbstractHttpClient.doExecute(AbstractHttpClient.java:863)
>> at
>> org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient.execute(CloseableHttpClient.java:82)
>> at
>> org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient.execute(CloseableHttpClient.java:106)
>> at
>> org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient.execute(CloseableHttpClient.java:57)
>> at
>> org.keycloak.adapters.ServerRequest.invokeRefresh(ServerRequest.java:149)
>> at
>> org.keycloak.adapters.RefreshableKeycloakSecurityContext.refreshExpiredToken(RefreshableKeycloakSecurityContext.java:113)
>> I'm still trying to figure out what's going on here, but while digging
>> around I noticed that the HttpClientBuilder[1] does not set a timeout for
>> obtaining a connection from the pool. Wouldn't it be a good idea to set
>> one? Maybe 30s or so, just to avoid waiting indefinitely. The same applies
>> to socket timeout as well.
>> [1]
>> https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/1.9.4.Final/services/src/main/java/org/keycloak/connections/httpclient/HttpClientBuilder.java
>> Best regards,
>> Thomas
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