[keycloak-dev] Implementing custom entities with KeyCloak

Mitya mitya at cargosoft.ru
Thu May 19 08:48:19 EDT 2016

Hi Stian, thanks for response!

> You don't strictly need to use model interface, JPA adapter, etc..
> You can just make it a entity directly. We have those layers because
> we support JPA and Mongo. 

thx, got it

(interestingly, many IDM developers end up implementing a JDO-like
engine; this has also happened to PicketLink, they supported both JPA
and LDAP with a single API)

> At the moment you can't add custom entities to the persistence.xml
> without modifying it within the JAR, but we plan to introduce an
> Entity SPI that allows adding custom entities (we have a PR for it,
> it needs some work, but should be included in 2.0.0.CR1 due some time
> in June).

Glad to hear about Entity SPI! I'll probably start with modified
KeyCloak, and migrate to the SPI as soon as it's ready.

> We have added support for custom REST resource, but not admin
> resources. Main difference is how it's secured and URLs.

Could you please elaborate on "custom REST resources"? I couldn't find
anything in the docs, there is only "21. Admin REST API". What are
custom REST resources, how to implement them? Could they be helpful in
my use case?


> > You'd also need to modify the admin console, but that can be done
> with a custom theme.
> > > On 19 May 2016 at 12:36, Mitya <mitya at cargosoft.ru> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > My goal is to implement a custom first-class KeyCloak entity (like
> > User, Group, etc.) Entities should persist in KeyCloak database
> > along
> > with Users, Groups etc.; there should be a CRUD interface in the
> > admin
> > console to manage them; it will have an unidirectional N:1
> > relationship
> > to User and will participate in authentication process. In some
> > future,
> > most likely it will also participate in federation (to/from
> > external
> > LDAP server with custom schema).
> > 
> > After briefly studying KeyCloak internals, I've got an impression
> > that
> > Provider SPIs won't help me much. Seems like what I'll have to
> > implement is at least:
> > 
> > - model interface (org.keycloak.models)
> > - entity class (org.keycloak.models.entities)
> > - JPA adapter (org.keycloak.models.jpa)
> > - JPA entity (org.keycloak.models.jpa.entities)
> > - (the same for Mongo and Infinispan)
> > - REST representation (org.keycloak.representations.idm)
> > - REST resource (org.keycloak.services.resources.admin)
> >  
> > Next, there will be custom authenticator (to make use of the
> > entity)
> > and GUI modifications. I hope I didn't forget anything?
> > 
> > Important question is - can I implement all of that without
> > modifying
> > KeyCloak code? Maintaining a fork and producing customized builds
> > will
> > complicate development process a lot. Ideally, classes should
> > reside in
> > my own packages (not org.keycloak.*), the code should be packaged
> > as a
> > module (JBoss module? OSGi bundle?) and simply be plugged into an
> > official KeyCloak build. I see forking only as a last resort, it's
> > something I'd like to avoid absolutely.
> > 
> > Thanks!
> > Mitya
> > 
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