[keycloak-dev] Support for key rotation in SAML Redirect binding

Hynek Mlnarik hmlnarik at redhat.com
Mon Oct 31 07:48:35 EDT 2016

Hi All,

re KEYCLOAK-1881 [1]: Key rotation in SAML needs to distill key ID used 
for signing for every signature (assertion/document-level) to validate 
the signature with the correct key. In POST binding, dsig:KeyInfo 
element bears this information in dsig:KeyName both for signed 
assertions and for the whole document (a.k.a. protocol message).

For REDIRECT binding in SAML, there is currently no place where KeyID 
can be inserted on document level. The document signature in REDIRECT 
binding has to be removed from the document (line 578 in [2]) and 
replaced by the Signature query parameter, so it is not advisable to put 
key ID there.

To solve this, there are multiple options:

1) Modify SAML assertion by adding <Extensions> element that would 
include document signing key ID. For consistency reasons, this would 
also be present for POST binding SAML documents. This only works for 
SAML 2.0 but that does not matter as REDIRECT is new to SAML2.0 anyway.
2) Pass signing key ID in REDIRECT query parameter (next to Signature 
and SigAlg parameters) - seems not strictly against the spec but weird
3) Pass signing key ID in custom HTTP header - this might impact 
clustering setup and is even weirder than the previous item
4) Claim REDIRECT binding not supporting signatures signed with key 
rotation and only support them for POST bindings (for REDIRECT, it would 
only work for preset public keys). This is not a viable option for 
dynamic key retrieval, so including just for completeness.

Seems like Option 1 or 2 is the one to go. Any thoughts/suggestions?



[1] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-1881
[2] https://docs.oasis-open.org/security/saml/v2.0/saml-bindings-2.0-os.pdf

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