[keycloak-dev] ui_locales query parameter?

Marek Posolda mposolda at redhat.com
Wed Apr 18 11:29:53 EDT 2018

Fyi. I've created https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-7192 for the 
better support of "ui_locales" parameter. Probably not directly related 
to this, but I found that issue when looking at this (and specially at 
LocaleHelper class).


On 18/04/18 16:23, Stan Silvert wrote:
> On 4/18/2018 8:37 AM, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
>> Not sure it should be added directly to keycloak.js as it's not
>> strictly a supported param. Either you should just use it from
>> keycloak.js, but not make it a direct option, or we should add it as a
>> supported param. In the latter case we should probably document it.
> Yes, I'm proposing that we add it, support it, and document it.
> I don't know how I can use it without adding it as an option.
>> On 18 April 2018 at 14:19, Stan Silvert <ssilvert at redhat.com
>> <mailto:ssilvert at redhat.com>> wrote:
>>      On 4/18/2018 7:46 AM, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
>>>      I don't think it has to be done the way I propose so I don't see
>>>      a strong need to change it. As long as it works with kc_locale
>>>      that's fine.
>>      OK.  I'll add the kc_locale param to keycloak.js. It might be
>>      useful for others as well.
>>>      On 18 April 2018 at 01:17, Stan Silvert <ssilvert at redhat.com
>>>      <mailto:ssilvert at redhat.com>> wrote:
>>>          On 4/17/2018 3:07 PM, Stan Silvert wrote:
>>>          > On 4/17/2018 1:59 PM, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
>>>          >> For the account management console I think the correct
>>>          approach is the
>>>          >> following:
>>>          >>
>>>          >> * Add an endpoint to account management service to allow
>>>          setting the
>>>          >> user locale which the account management should call - it
>>>          should not
>>>          >> re-direct to login back and do the whole login dance
>>>          >> * Change the way the account management console loads the
>>>          messages -
>>>          >> it should load using a rest endpoint, not by injecting
>>>          into the
>>>          >> index.ftl. That allows re-loading messages if the locale
>>>          is changed
>>>          >> without having to do the login dance
>>>          > What is it about the "login dance" that causes a problem?
>>>          It seems to
>>>          > do exactly what I need it to do, as long as I can pass in
>>>          kc_locale.
>>>          I was thinking that I actually need the redirect in order to
>>>          re-initialize the welcome screen's localized text.  The
>>>          welcome screen
>>>          uses FreeMarker for localization.  But you can't get back to
>>>          the welcome
>>>          screen without logging out, so logout's redirect would take
>>>          care of the
>>>          re-initialization of the welcome screen. Therefore, adding an
>>>          endpoint
>>>          and reloading the messages in Angular would work.
>>>          A new endpoint for this would:
>>>          * Set the cookie to the new locale
>>>          * Set the UserModel to the new locale
>>>          * Return the localized message bundle
>>>          Then I would have to refactor all the language handling on
>>>          the Angular
>>>          side.  It would all just take a bit of time to implement. But
>>>          if you
>>>          really think it has to be done that way we can do it.
>>>          >
>>>          >>
>>>          >>
>>>          >> On 17 April 2018 at 15:59, Marek Posolda
>>>          <mposolda at redhat.com <mailto:mposolda at redhat.com>
>>>          >> <mailto:mposolda at redhat.com <mailto:mposolda at redhat.com>>>
>>>          wrote:
>>>          >>
>>>          >>      On 17/04/18 15:00, Stan Silvert wrote:
>>>          >>
>>>          >>          On 4/16/2018 1:51 PM, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
>>>          >>
>>>          >>              kc_locale is only aimed at internal use. You
>>>          should use
>>>          >>              ui_locales
>>>          >>              that's the publicly available param.
>>>          >>
>>>          >>          The problem is that I need the server-side logic
>>>          associated with
>>>          >>          kc_locale.  kc_locale will update the cookie and
>>>          update the
>>>          >>          UserModel.
>>>          >>          ui_locales is just a pass-through back to the
>>>          application.
>>>          >>
>>>          >>          So we can either add kc_locale as a login param
>>>          in keycloak.js
>>>          >>          or we can
>>>          >>          add the server-side logic to ui_locales.  The
>>>          simplest is to
>>>          >>          do the
>>>          >>          former.  But perhaps we should have been doing
>>>          the latter all
>>>          >>          along?
>>>          >>
>>>          >>      IMO the ui_locales parameter shouldn't update the
>>>          UserModel. It's
>>>          >>      possible that there would be 2 different applications
>>>          and both of
>>>          >>      them will send different values of ui_locales
>>>          parameter. In that
>>>          >>      case, when user switch between application1 and
>>>          application2 (on
>>>          >>      each SSO login), there will be update to UserModel,
>>>          which is not
>>>          >>      good regarding performance IMO.
>>>          >>
>>>          >>      I can see in LocaleHelper.getUserLocale that the
>>>          order about how
>>>          >>      the locale is resolved is:
>>>          >>      1. kc_locale parameter
>>>          >>      2. KEYCLOAK_LOCALE cookie
>>>          >>      3. UserModel attribute
>>>          >>      4. ui_locales query parameter
>>>          >>      5. Accept-Language header
>>>          >>
>>>          >>      Is this order proper or not? AFAIK the first 3 items
>>>          are used just
>>>          >>      if user explicitly selects the language on Keycloak
>>>          login screen
>>>          >>      (or account mgmt screen). If we put ui_locales up, we
>>>          will defacto
>>>          >>      give the control to application to override the
>>>          localization,
>>>          >>      which user explicitly chosen on login screen. Do we
>>>          want to do
>>>          >>      that? Is it good regarding usability? I think that
>>>          not, but maybe
>>>          >>      I am wrong...
>>>          >>
>>>          >>
>>>          >> I think the current order is correct.
>>>          >>
>>>          >> 1. Change locale if user has explicitly made the change -
>>>          kc_locale
>>>          >> should only be set when the user changes it manually
>>>          through login pages
>>>          >> 2-3 Tries to figure out the users last pick
>>>          >> 4. Provided by the application as a hint for what locale
>>>          the user may
>>>          >> want. It should not override the users explicitly set locale
>>>          >> 5. Accept-Language is supposed to give the users preferred
>>>          locale.
>>>          >> However, this is often wrong and just defaults to en.
>>>          Hence why it
>>>          >> comes last.
>>>          >>
>>>          >> There's been quite a lot of discussion to get this right
>>>          in the past,
>>>          >> so I'm quite confident that the current logic works and it
>>>          has been
>>>          >> confirmed by a surprising amount of folks. Well it was
>>>          tweaked quite a
>>>          >> few times based on user feedback.
>>>          >>
>>>          >>
>>>          >>      Marek
>>>          >>
>>>          >>
>>>          >>              On 16 April 2018 at 16:06, Stan Silvert
>>>          >>              <ssilvert at redhat.com
>>>          <mailto:ssilvert at redhat.com> <mailto:ssilvert at redhat.com
>>>          <mailto:ssilvert at redhat.com>>
>>>          >>              <mailto:ssilvert at redhat.com
>>>          <mailto:ssilvert at redhat.com> <mailto:ssilvert at redhat.com
>>>          <mailto:ssilvert at redhat.com>>>>
>>>          >>              wrote:
>>>          >>
>>>          >>                   OK.
>>>          >>
>>>          >>                   Does anyone object to adding kc_locale
>>>          to the login
>>>          >>              options on the
>>>          >>                   keycloak.js adapter?
>>>          >>
>>>          >>
>>>          >>
>>>          >>                   On 4/16/2018 2:45 AM, Stian Thorgersen
>>>          wrote:
>>>          >>
>>>          >>                       It's a query param defined by OpenID
>>>          Connect. See
>>>          >> http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html
>>>          <http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html>
>>>          >>
>>>          <http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html
>>>          <http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html>>
>>>          >>
>>>          >>
>>>           <http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html
>>>          <http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html>
>>>          >>
>>>          <http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html
>>>          <http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html>>>.
>>>          >>                  It allows
>>>          >>                       the application to pass a list of
>>>          req locales in
>>>          >>                  case the
>>>          >>                       application knows it.
>>>          >>
>>>          >>                       When doing the redirect login flow the
>>>          >>                  applications should use
>>>          >>                       ui_locales. kc_locale is an internal
>>>          param and
>>>          >>                  should really only
>>>          >>                       be used by the locale switcher on
>>>          the login screen.
>>>          >>
>>>          >>                       On 16 April 2018 at 02:44, Stan Silvert
>>>          >>                  <ssilvert at redhat.com
>>>          <mailto:ssilvert at redhat.com> <mailto:ssilvert at redhat.com
>>>          <mailto:ssilvert at redhat.com>>
>>>          >>  <mailto:ssilvert at redhat.com <mailto:ssilvert at redhat.com>
>>>          >>                  <mailto:ssilvert at redhat.com <mailto:ssilvert at redhat.com>>>> wrote:
>>>          >>
>>>          >>                           Does anyone know what ui_locales
>>>          is actually
>>>          >>                  used for?
>>>          >>
>>>          >>                           I can't find usages except for
>>>          in the testsuite.
>>>          >>
>>>          >>                           The query param used to change
>>>          locale is
>>>          >>                  kc_locale.  Should
>>>          >>  ui_locales
>>>          >>  deprecated?
>>>          >>
>>>          >>                           Stan
>>>          >>
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