[keycloak-dev] Metrics Endpoint

Peter Braun pbraun at redhat.com
Mon Jan 22 06:45:45 EST 2018

Hey everybody,

we (the AeroGear/Mobile team) have created a SPI that adds a metrics endpoint to KeyCloak[1]. It’s inspired by a similar project named keycloak-metrics-prometheus[2] but does not require an extra service. Metrics data is based on internal events and is exposed in Prometheus format.

Just wanted to share this with you since there are a number of tickets in the KeyCloak JIRA about a such an endpoint. We’re happy about any suggestions/opinions. We’re also open to an upstream contribution if the opportunity arises and you are interested.


[1] https://github.com/aerogear/keycloak-metrics-spi <https://github.com/aerogear/keycloak-metrics-spi>
[2] https://github.com/larscheid-schmitzhermes/keycloak-monitoring-prometheus <https://github.com/larscheid-schmitzhermes/keycloak-monitoring-prometheus>

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