[keycloak-dev] Using Fedora community services to relay GitHub events

Alex Szczuczko aszczucz at redhat.com
Thu Mar 15 10:50:28 EDT 2018


The "Stable CI for Keycloak PRs" (KEYCLOAK-6176) epic team is developing
a bot. This information could be useful for that bot.

keycloak-docs-bot (ASzc/dawbrn) is written around webhooks, and I
imagine the CI bot is too. However, when I needed to deploy I hit this

  - Only internet-facing systems can receive webhooks
  - Internet-facing systems are in limited supply within Red Hat
  - Almost always these systems can't access the internal network

I solved the problem by deploying the bot on a private VPS, but that's
less than ideal for many reasons. I don't know how the Stable CI team
has solved / plans to solve this, but just yesterday I discovered a
better solution.

The Fedora community has a message bus called fedmsg[1], based on
ZeroMQ. They also have a service[2] that bridges GitHub events to
fedmsg. For example, see this[3] live feed of PR open events.

Anyone with a Fedora account can register their GitHub repos with
github2fedmsg, and anyone can listen to fedmsg. So, we could host all
our stuff internally and still get push events by listening to fedmsg!

Do you think your bot could benefit from this, Pavel and Bruno?


[1] http://fedora-fedmsg.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
[2] https://apps.fedoraproject.org/github2fedmsg
[3] https://apps.fedoraproject.org/datagrepper/raw?topic=org.fedoraproject.prod.github.pull_request.opened

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