[keycloak-dev] need feedback on integrating golang with testsuite and distro

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Tue Mar 20 17:29:01 EDT 2018

I have a golang client utility (kcinit) that I need to integrate with
tests in our testsuite.  Its possible to integrate golang with maven
using this maven plugin:


To integrate my tool into the arquillian testsuite, I've pulled in
this plugin to pull down and build my golang tool so that it can be
executed within a test.  The way it works is that the maven plugin
will first download the Golang SDK and store it within ~/.mvnGolang.
It will also store any source code it pulls down and builds there.  It
will build a binary that is specific to the platform it is running on
so this is perfect for our testsuite.

Sound ok?

Next question is distribution.  "kcinit" is a command line utility.
Should I add this to our current client tools directory in the disto
or create a separate dis zipt?  Ok to include binaries for linux, osx,
and windows?  This will require the maven plugin to individually
cross-compile for each platform.  Its not superfast and our distro
build will be slower, but we will have one place to pull this stuff
together.  I will need to eventually create an RPM for this tool so
that it can be automatically installed in Fedora/RHEL.

Bill Burke
Red Hat

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