[keycloak-dev] How to share a resource with a user via UMA 2.0 API
Pedro Igor Silva
psilva at redhat.com
Fri May 11 12:05:45 EDT 2018
Btw, just noticed we are discussing this in keycloak-dev. Could you please
move discussion to keycloak-user mailing list ?
On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 1:04 PM, Pedro Igor Silva <psilva at redhat.com> wrote:
> On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 10:19 AM, Federico Michele Facca <
> federico.facca at martel-innovate.com> wrote:
>> Hi Pedro,
>> Thanks a lot for your quick reply.
>> On 11 May 2018, at 13:52, Pedro Igor Silva <psilva at redhat.com> wrote:
>> We don't have API documented, something we should improve in the future.
>> We have a quickstart that can help you to achieve what you want. See
>> https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak-quickstarts/tree/
>> latest/app-authz-uma-photoz.
>> If you look this method:
>> https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak-quickstarts/blob/late
>> st/app-authz-uma-photoz/photoz-restful-api/src/main/java/
>> org/keycloak/example/photoz/album/AlbumService.java#L100
>> I have been looking at the methods, and actually learned from the exact
>> example you refer to.
>> You will see that we are using the Permission Endpoint (the endpoint
>> responsible for managing permission tickets) to obtain all resources
>> *shared* with a specific user. In our AuthZ Java Client we have this method:
>> https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/master/authz/cli
>> ent/src/main/java/org/keycloak/authorization/client/resource
>> /PermissionResource.java#L162
>> Which allows you to query for permission tickets using different filters.
>> Maybe my examples were not clear enough. For question 2:
>> Suppose that user "test" owns resource A and he want to see (like in the
>> my account interface) a table with all the active and pending permissions
>> including the identifier of the user that made the request.
>> Shared resources->
>> Resource A user B scope read, write
>> Pending requests->
>> Resource A user C scope read
>> With the following query:
>> curl --request GET \
>> --url '
>> permission?returnNames=true&owner=test' \
>> --header 'authorization: Bearer xxx'
>> I get a list of the permissions (where granted = true are the authorised
>> ones and granted = false the pending ones):
>> [
>> {
>> "id": "08dccaed-6dbb-47aa-a87c-55b35a6f2523",
>> "owner": "567c20ad-7d42-4908-bb53-af26c64534e7",
>> "resource": "218091a8-e5fc-460c-a306-a3a76775c784",
>> "scope": "65e40351-bce4-4e3f-825d-7bca9d78d12e",
>> "granted": true,
>> "scopeName": "read",
>> "resourceName": "8910"
>> },
>> {
>> "id": “xxxx",
>> "owner": "567c20ad-7d42-4908-bb53-af26c64534e7",
>> "resource": "218091a8-e5fc-460c-a306-a3a76775c784",
>> "scope": "65e40351-bce4-4e3f-825d-7bca9d78d12e",
>> "granted": false,
>> "scopeName": "read",
>> "resourceName": "8910"
>> }
>> ]
>> so the result does not allow me to know who was the “requester” (which I
>> don’t know apriori since the query is about all potential requesters)
>> so my idea was that when you use returnNames=true parameter you could add
>> as well the requester, e.g.:
>> {
>> "id": "08dccaed-6dbb-47aa-a87c-55b35a6f2523",
>> "owner": "567c20ad-7d42-4908-bb53-af26c64534e7",
>> "resource": "218091a8-e5fc-460c-a306-a3a76775c784",
>> "scope": "65e40351-bce4-4e3f-825d-7bca9d78d12e",
>> "granted": true,
>> "scopeName": "read",
>> "resourceName": “8910”,
>> “requester”:”xxxxx”,
>> “requesterName”:”test”
>> },
> I see now. We are really missing *requester* in the response. Not sure why
> it is not there already ....
> Created https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-7337.
>> The type PermissionResource also provides methods for CRUD permission
>> tickets.
>> Note that this API is targeted for resource servers and part of the
>> Protection API.
>> We realised that by trying to create resources and seeing that using user
>> authentication you get 500 error while using client authentication it works
>> (even though UMA specs is not limiting the access to that).
>> We found out by testing also that the permission endpoint works also with
>> user access tokens.
> Yeah, as long as the access token is granted with uma_protection scope.
>> Now the first question was how to “share” directly a resource with a user.
>> Currently using the API, supposing I am user A and I want to access a
>> resource Z from user B, we proceed as follow (i hope is the correct way…
>> any correction or guidance will be appreciated):
>> 1. We create a permission request on the API (to get the ticket). E.g.
>> read resource x
>> 2. We use the ticket to ask for a rtp token using a user token.
>> curl --request POST \
>> --url
>> nect/token \
>> --header 'Authorization: Bearer xxx' \
>> --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
>> --data 'grant_type=urn%3Aietf%3Aparams%3Aoauth%3Agrant-type%3Auma-
>> ticket&ticket=xxxx'
>> If the user has already access, then he gets the rtp, if not he gets:
>> {
>> "error": "access_denied",
>> "error_description": "request_submitted"
>> }
>> Only in this moment the permission ticket i created at step 1 appears in
>> the list of permissions. (I am not sure this is the intended behaviour
>> though).
> Yeah, that is the expected behavior. But you can also use a request
> parameter to tell to the token endpoint that you don't want to submit an
> authorization request. See https://www.keycloak.org/
> docs/latest/authorization_services/index.html#_service_authorization_aat.
>> Then is up to the owner to authorise access (via API we can do that by
>> updating the permission and set granted to true)
>> Now let’s suppose that I am the owner of the resource A, and I want to
>> authorise directly (without the user asking access to the resource A)
>> the user Z to access it. How can I do that? At the time being I could not
>> figure it out.
> Similar to the update method, you can use the create method to create
> permissions. Is that what you are looking for ? See org.keycloak.testsuite.
> authz.PermissionManagementTest#testCreatePermissionTicketWithResourceName.
>> Also, out of curiosity is there are a way i can list all resources i can
>> access thanks either to UMA permission or policies?
>> That would be very handful.
> You can do that by asking all permissions. See https://www.keycloak.org/
> docs/latest/authorization_services/index.html#_service_
> obtaining_permissions.
> There is an cURL example there similar to this:
> curl -X POST \
> http://${host}:${port}/auth/realms/${realm}/protocol/openid-connect/token \
> -H "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" \
> --data "grant_type=urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:uma-ticket"
> In the example above you are basically, saying that you want a RPT for any
> resource/scope granted to the user as a result of evaluating permissions
> associated with resources which the either the user or resource server is
> the owner. But yeah, depending on how many resources you will get a huge
> RPT which can take some time to be issued.
>> Suppose that you have an API that with GET /resources list you all the
>> resources, there should be a way to filter the returned resources
>> only based on the one you can access. This could be done easily if you
>> could get a list of the resources you can access. Otherwise,
>> you would need for each resource returned in the list to generate a query
>> asking if the user x can access the specific resource. Not very
>> scalable.
> We don't have anything for data protection. You are not the first with
> this requirement but I did not spend time thinking about this capability
> yet. If you want to open a JIRA and start some discussion there I'm glad to
> move this forward.
>> Thanks!
>> Federico
>>> In our understanding, to obtain 2. we should some how retrieve the
>>> Requester from the TicketStore and attach the information to the response
>>> (but this would "break" the UMA standard, as anyhow parameters as
>>> "returnNames=true" do, so maybe when the request is using
>>> "returnNames=true"
>>> we could attach as well the requester name and it).
>>> For 1, we have no clear ideas, if not adding "requester" as well in the
>>> ticket creation.
>>> Any hint would be highly appreciated, so that we can work up some
>>> implementation to provide both features.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Federico
>>> --
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