[keycloak-dev] Partial import - problem with client's default roles

Dariusz Chrzascik dchrzascik at novomatic-tech.com
Mon Oct 1 11:00:12 EDT 2018

+ realm defnition 

>>> "Dariusz Chrzascik" <dchrzascik at novomatic-tech.com> 10/01/18 4:58 PM
I've encountered an issue when using Admin Console's partial import.
I've enclosed simplified realm configuration that demonstrates the case.
Importing that realm results in exception:

15:45:43,675 ERROR [org.keycloak.services] (default task-103)
KC-SERVICES0038: Error importing roles:

I've observed that it is caused by importing a realm where client has
roles and some of them are default for that client. This results in
creating a client with default roles first and then creating a roles.
This fails as client creation is accompanied by creating default roles.
Perhaps, it can be solved by making argument "addDefaultRoles" in
RepresentationToModel.createClient configurable from the partialImport.
Currently it is always set to true (see ClientPartialImport.create).

Has anyone encountered that issue or maybe has suggestion how to fix it?

The workaround is to run partial import twice:
1. for clients only
2. for roles
but in my case it is not an option.

Dariusz Chrząścik

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