[keycloak-dev] Create "online session" from offline session
Marek Posolda
mposolda at redhat.com
Wed Oct 3 03:10:31 EDT 2018
On 02/10/18 17:15, Niels Bertram wrote:
> Thanks for the response Marek. I implemented a custom authenticator
> before so that makes all total sense. The parts I am a bit worried
> about is:
> a) the GET implementation would require use to send the IDToken
> unprotected in the URL (POST is fine)
I see. This makes sense and we support sending POST request to the
initial Authentication endpoint. Maybe you can add a flag to the
authenticator like "Allow POST method only" to specify if it accepts
just POST or allow both POST and GET? Flag can be set to ON by default
(hence accept only POST).
> b) a mobile app from which we want to initiate the "sign me in and
> then redirect me to another website" would effectively need to
> whitelist every possible URL that it can redirect to.
> If I send a PR to latest Keycloak, any chance that can be patched into
> current or next version of RH-SSO?
Yes, once the PR is accepted, it always go to the latest Keycloak
upstream and latest Keycloak always "turns" after some time to RH-SSO.
Some details about this https://www.keycloak.org/support.html .
Just a note that we're close to feature freeze for Keycloak 4.x (RHSSO
7.3), so if you want it in RHSSO 7.3, you need to be a bit quick though
:) And even then no guarantee as we will need some time for PR review etc.
> Cheers,
> Niels
> On Wed, Oct 3, 2018 at 12:33 AM Marek Posolda <mposolda at redhat.com
> <mailto:mposolda at redhat.com>> wrote:
> I suggest to use the flow like this:
> 1) Exchange the offline token for the 3 tokens, which will include
> the
> triplet of (access token, id token, offline token).
> 2) Then you can pass the just retrieved IDToken in the authentication
> request in the "id_token_hint" parameter.
> 3) Then you will need to create Authenticator (see our
> docs/quickstarts
> for more details), which will be able to see if "id_token_hint"
> was sent
> and then verify this token and authenticate user if it was ok. You
> can
> probably use some existing code from IDToken introspection
> endpoint. If
> parameter is not used, authenticator can be just ignored during the
> authentication flow.
> 4) As last step, you will need to add this authenticator to the
> browser
> authentication flow.
> This will cause that if IDToken is sent, it will be able to use it to
> authenticate the user and hence new UserSessionModel (+cookies and
> all
> of this) will be properly created by Keycloak itself.
> If you manage to make this working, we will be happy if you
> contribute
> it in the PR :) As this is described in the OIDC specification (see
> https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#AuthRequest
> ), but
> we don't yet implement it.
> If you don't want to send PR, you may implement it a bit easier and
> differently in a non-OIDC standard way (EG. pass the offline_token
> directly instead of IDToken in step 2).
> Marek
> On 02/10/18 08:24, Niels Bertram wrote:
> > Hi devs,
> >
> > we are trying to turn an offline session back into an "online
> session" for
> > which we can generate cookies and send them to the clients browser.
> >
> > I tried to create a user session with AuthenticationManager but
> for some
> > reason the created session is not showing up as a proper in the user
> > account management section. Is there anything that needs to
> happen after
> > this session is created to make it a normal user session?
> >
> > AuthenticatedClientSessionModel clientSession =
> > session.sessions().createClientSession(realm, client,
> offlineSession);
> >
> > We have a mobile app that uses offline_access to create an
> "always logged"
> > in experience for the app user. However when we open a
> SSO-enabled website
> > in the app (WebView), there is no KEYCLOAK_SESSION cookie to
> allow the web
> > page to initiate a successful pre-auth check.
> >
> > We wrote a custom resource which we call in our webview to
> "redirect" the
> > user to an SSO enabled site:
> >
> > 1. authenticate the user
> >
> > AuthResult auth = new
> AppAuthManager().authenticateBearerToken(session)
> >
> > 2. load a valid userSession
> >
> > UserSessionModel userSession =
> session.sessions().getUserSession(realm,
> > token.getSessionState());
> >
> > 3. create the session cookies
> >
> > AuthenticationManager.createLoginCookie(session, realm, user,
> userSession,
> > ctx.getUri(), ctx.getConnection());
> >
> > 4. forward the user to the SSO enabled website
> >
> > 5. SSO enabled website would do a normal pre-auth check with
> prompt=none
> >
> > There was a similar conversation about the "lost" session in
> > <https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-420>, but that one did
> not go as
> > far as creating a new session.
> >
> > Anyone of you got any clever idea on how do "preload" a valid
> SSO session
> > into a WebView?
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Niels
> >
> > PS. we are on RH-SSO 7.2.4 so roughly Keycloak 3.4.3
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