[keycloak-dev] Customizing usernames

Stian Thorgersen sthorger at redhat.com
Thu Jun 13 12:35:39 EDT 2019

Could you explain your use-case a bit better? It seems to me that having a
unique id as we do for the users today is exactly what you want. We decided
to use a unique id rather than the username for exactly the reasons you

On Thu, 13 Jun 2019 at 13:19, Paolo Tedesco <Paolo.Tedesco at cern.ch> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm looking for a way to customize the unique identifiers used by Keycloak
> in its internal user database, to avoid possible email or username clashes.
> For example, I would like to be able to change the username of someone
> logging in through github to "login at github.com", so that if someone has
> the same login in the CERN LDAP the user is not offered the possibility to
> merge the accounts.
> Our problems come from the fact that we allow people to change their mail
> addresses, and also to use external non-CERN addresses as their email, so
> we cannot rely on email much.
> We would also like to avoid people to merge accounts at all as we think
> this might be confusing for users on some occasions, and generate support
> tickets for us.
> Is there a supported way to do this, or would we need to code something
> ourselves?
> If we need to code something, should we write a plugin of some kind (e.g.
> custom mappers) or would we need to modify directly the code that manages
> the login from the identity provider?
> In case someone else requested something similar, we might make our
> development available.
> Thanks,
> Paolo Tedesco
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