[keycloak-dev] Override "native" Keycloak providers

Thomas Darimont thomas.darimont at googlemail.com
Wed Mar 27 18:23:04 EDT 2019

Hello Jerry,

I encountered a similar problem with Keycloak 4.x when I needed to
implement my own SamlProtocolFactory to customize the SAML Message handling.
See: http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/keycloak-dev/2019-February/011745.html
The only way I could get this to work was to add my custom extension jar to
the module.xml of the keycloak-services module,
see the link for details.

It's by far not the best solution, but at least it works.


On Wed, 27 Mar 2019 at 22:28, Jerry Saravia <jerry.saravia at virginpulse.com>

> Hello,
> We’ve been using version 3.4.3 for a while now and are attempting to
> upgrade to 4.8 and we’ve run into some issues.
> Summary: We have created our own providers with the same PROVIDER_ID as
> some of the built in providers. For example, PasswordCredentialProvider has
> a provider id of “keycloak-password” and we created our own with the same
> id that gets loaded after the native one. This worked because in 3.4.3
> providers that were using the same id would still have their factories
> added to the factory map.
> See this link here for 3.4.3 changes:
> https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/3.4.3.Final/services/src/main/java/org/keycloak/provider/ProviderManager.java#L96-L100
> These are the 4.8 changes
> https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/4.8.3.Final/services/src/main/java/org/keycloak/provider/ProviderManager.java#L96-L99
> In 4.8, the fully qualified class name (FQCN) is not longer used. Instead
> it uses the provider id and the spi name. I can no longer use the same
> PROVIDER_ID as the native providers to ‘override’ them, but sometimes there
> is code that gets the provider specifically by id. For example, in the
> UpdatePassword required action we have this:
> PasswordCredentialProvider passwordProvider =
> (PasswordCredentialProvider)context.getSession().getProvider(CredentialProvider.class,
> PasswordCredentialProviderFactory.PROVIDER_ID);
> In 3.4.3 because our provider was loaded we were able to inject into code
> that normally isn’t overridable. We did the same for the
> OIDCLoginProtocolFactory to alter some token endpoint behavior even the
> UpdatePassword required action itself rather than making a brand new
> required action that is a “second rate” because it isn’t native to Keycloak.
> Is there a solution for this in 4.8.3? I see this change was made in
> 4.0.0.Beta1 according to some of the history.
> J
> Jerry Saravia
> Software Engineer
> T(516) 603-6914
> M516-603-6914
> virginpulse.com
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