[keycloak-dev] Providing idpHint in JavaScript Adapter JSON configuration

Stian Thorgersen sthorger at redhat.com
Tue May 21 09:50:10 EDT 2019

I'm not too keen on adding little bits like this to keycloak.json on its
own. Today we have the config split between keycloak.json and init. I'd be
open to allow configuring what you can through init in Keycloak.json, but
would have to be a complete pr with docs and tests.

On Tue, 21 May 2019, 14:37 Marc Ewert, <marc.ewert at leverton.ai> wrote:

> Hi,
> we would like to create a very small PR for the JavaScript Adapter
> (keycloak.js).  This change would allow one to provide the idpHint via the
> JSON configuration which could of course then be dynamically served by a
> backend. By this everyone could generate a JSON of the following format:
> {
>   realm: "production",
>   auth-server-url: "https://customer-a.example.com/auth"<
> https://customer-a.example.com/auth>,
>   bearer-only: false,
>   resource: "frontend-client",
>   idp-hint: "customer-a",
> }
> The consumption of the idp-hint parameter could be done as an one-liner in
> keycloak.js. Would it be okay, if we create a PR with the needed change for
> letting that happen, or are there other as simple solutions, that we are
> missing?
> Best
> Marc Ewert
> --
> ________________________________________________
> Marc Ewert | Senior Engineering Manager
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> Managing Directors: Florian Kuhlmann, Abhinav Somani
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