[keycloak-dev] Revoking consents and permissions for AccountRestService endpoint

Stian Thorgersen sthorger at redhat.com
Mon Nov 11 03:01:22 EST 2019

Yes, MANAGE_ACCOUNT should be able to do everything, including manage

On Fri, 8 Nov 2019 at 21:44, Bruno Oliveira <bruno at abstractj.org> wrote:

> Good afternoon,
> For the applications page, in the new account console, we have the
> requirement to revoke the consents granted for third-party apps.
> We already have an endpoint in the AccountRestService[1] for it:
> ```
> @Path("/applications/{clientId}/consent")
> public Response revokeConsent(final @PathParam("clientId") String
> clientId) {
>   checkAccountApiEnabled();
>   auth.requireOneOf(AccountRoles.MANAGE_CONSENT);
> ....
> }
> ```
> That's exactly what we need, although the REST calls will return HTTP
> 403 because there's no such role as MANAGE_CONSENT for the `account`
> client.
> I'd like to change the endpoint, so that the `account` client would be
> able to revoke consents. Something like:
> ```
> @Path("/applications/{clientId}/consent")
> public Response revokeConsent(final @PathParam("clientId") String
> clientId) {
>   checkAccountApiEnabled();
>   auth.requireOneOf(AccountRoles.MANAGE_CONSENT,
> AccountRoles.MANAGE_ACCOUNT);
> ```
> Does it make sense?
> [1] -
> https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/041229f9ca393d9bf7a92cabcf1e8b474021fe89/services/src/main/java/org/keycloak/services/resources/account/AccountRestService.java#L352
> --
> - abstractj
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