[keycloak-dev] Adding support for client certificate with LDAP SASL EXTERNAL

Tero Saarni tero.saarni at gmail.com
Tue Nov 26 13:21:52 EST 2019


I'm using Keycloak with LDAP user federation.  I have enabled LDAP StartTLS.

Proposal for new use case:

As an administrator, I would like Keycloak to use client certificate based
authentication instead of bind DN and bind password when Keycloak operates
as an LDAP server admin.

Simple bind (username + password) will be still used for end-user


Currently simple bind is the only supported authentication method with
LDAP with SASL supports "EXTERNAL" mechanism [1] to achieve client certificate
based authentication.

Do you think this is acceptable use case?
If you do, I would be interested to work with this and create JIRA and PR.


[1] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4513

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