[keycloak-dev] Filtering in New Account Console

Stan Silvert ssilvert at redhat.com
Mon Oct 7 12:44:15 EDT 2019

On 10/7/2019 10:23 AM, Bruno Oliveira wrote:
> I just talked with Stian this morning and we agreed on:
> 1. It's mandatory that Option 1 becomes part version of the New
> Account Console. The current Jira was updated
> https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-5628 to reflect such
> requirement.
I think this is a good plan.
> 2 Filtering and pagination can be postponed for future releases. Jiras
> to follow up on this are here:
> - https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-11534
> - https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-11677
I'm fine with this too.  We won't really know how big of an issue 
filtering and pagination will be until we release something that 
customers can start using.
> If we are all aboard with this, I think we should move on. Otherwise,
> please let us know.
> On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 1:35 PM Marek Posolda <mposolda at redhat.com> wrote:
>> On 04. 10. 19 16:41, Stan Silvert wrote:
>>> On 10/4/2019 10:16 AM, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
>>>> Okay, so I've re-read and we're on the same page I believe. Sorry for
>>>> that (trying to do to many things with too little time).
>>>> Option 1 limiting the list to real apps/UIs and those the user has
>>>> access to is what we should do since you are on board with this.
>>>> Option 2 can then be dropped completely as it was just a quicker
>>>> temporary solution.
>>>> To limit to real apps in addition to what I listed before I would also
>>>> only include apps that have a display name set.
>>> Ideally, we should have a flag for this.  I don't like the idea that we
>>> have to rely on the administrator to understand that a display name
>>> being blank in admin console conveys a certain meaning in account console.
>>>> To limit apps that users have access to. Thinking about this some more
>>>> and the ideal I think would be to only list apps where user has at
>>>> least one client role. That may be a bit tricky though, but perhaps a
>>>> smart query could solve that? I'm open to other ideas here for sure
>>>> though.
>>> I think an approach like that would work.  It would be helpful to an
>>> admin if there was something in the admin console that did this query
>>> and showed explicitly which applications a given user has access to.
>> BTV. Some similar filtering is already done in the old account console.
>> It filtered the "bearerOnly" clients, but it didn't filter clients
>> without baseURL . I think that baseUrl is not mandatory field for
>> clients and IMO many clients don't have it configured, so not sure
>> whether to filter based on that...
>> In addition to that you need always display clients with offline-access
>> and with granted consent. The old account console allowed on the
>> "Applications" page to see and revoke granted consents of clients and it
>> also allowed to see and revoke granted offline tokens. So if new account
>> console doesn't have any other place to view/revoke the consents and
>> offline tokens, it should be provided on this page.
>> However if you filter to see just clients with any client role + clients
>> with offline-access and granted consent, it may create interesting
>> situations. For example imagine there is client, which doesn't have any
>> client roles, but it has consent granted or offline token granted. Now
>> user clicks the "revoke consent" (or "revoke offline token") button.
>> This will cause that client will disappear from the UI because it
>> doesn't have any client roles and it doesn't have any consent or offline
>> access. This seems to me like quite confusing behaviour regarding UX?
>> Also it will affect pagination results etc...
>> With regards to this, I wonder if filtering shouldn't be the same as it
>> was in old account console? This was that client with consentRequired
>> were always included and clients with ANY role in the token for any
>> client scope were always included. The details are here:
>> https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/master/services/src/main/java/org/keycloak/forms/account/freemarker/model/ApplicationsBean.java#L67
>> It is quite complex to compute if client has permission to see any
>> single role. You need to make composite roles into account etc. Hence
>> there is call to TokenManager.getAccess . The performance of this is not
>> very great, however if you have pagination with showing only 10 clients
>> per page, it should be just fine to use this IMO.
>> In shortcut: I suggest to use exactly same filtering as done by old
>> account console. but add pagination support to it (which wasn't provided
>> by old account console). Or alternatively, if new account console has
>> separate page to manage offline tokens (which it maybe should have?)
>> then filtering can be done to display clients that:
>> are NOT bearerOnly && (have consentRequired OR have any client role
>> available).
>> By "client role available", you may still need to consider composite
>> roles, all possible client scopes etc, so the call to
>> "TokenManager.getAccess" will be still needed.
>> Marek
>>>> On Fri, 4 Oct 2019, 16:10 Stian Thorgersen, <sthorger at redhat.com
>>>> <mailto:sthorger at redhat.com>> wrote:
>>>>       My bad. I was thinking about comment 1, 2 and 3 from my first reply.
>>>>       Let me re-read the whole thing again ;)
>>>>       On Fri, 4 Oct 2019, 15:42 Bruno Oliveira, <bruno at abstractj.org
>>>>       <mailto:bruno at abstractj.org>> wrote:
>>>>           My comments were pretty much based on the items you mentioned:
>>>>           > 1) Limit the list to clients that are applications and that
>>>>           the user has access to (I suggested a fairly simple approach,
>>>>           which I believe should work)
>>>>           That wouldn't list the clients regardless if the user has
>>>>           access to
>>>>           them or not. So I'm not sure where the security issue is.
>>>>           Unless I'm
>>>>           missing something.
>>>>           > 2) Only list clients from active sessions - then add a
>>>>           follow-up for 1
>>>>           at some point in the future
>>>>           Yes, that's possible, but as you mentioned something to postpone
>>>>           unless badly needed. If we keep increasing the scope of what
>>>>           we aim,
>>>>           this may become an endless task.
>>>>           So here are my questions:
>>>>           - Are we in agreement that #1 should be part of our
>>>>           deliverable for
>>>>           the first release of the new account console and #2
>>>>           implemented later?
>>>>           - If yes, are we ok about postponing pagination/filtering?
>>>>           On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 10:24 AM Stian Thorgersen
>>>>           <sthorger at redhat.com <mailto:sthorger at redhat.com>> wrote:
>>>>           >
>>>>           > We're not on the same page. #2 is absolutely not redundant
>>>>           with #1. It is both a security issue and a usability issue to
>>>>           list all applications regardless if the user has access to
>>>>           them or not.
>>>>           >
>>>>           > One more not devices page should not list applications with
>>>>           offline access (offline sessions) those should be on app page
>>>>           (or a separate place?!?)
>>>>           >
>>>>           > On Fri, 4 Oct 2019, 14:49 Bruno Oliveira,
>>>>           <bruno at abstractj.org <mailto:bruno at abstractj.org>> wrote:
>>>>           >>
>>>>           >> I believe that we're all in agreement that we don't need
>>>>           pagination
>>>>           >> for the Applications endpoint.
>>>>           >>
>>>>           >> And I have the same impression as Stan, #1 makes perfect
>>>>           sense and
>>>>           >> once it's done should make #2 redundant. If we are on the
>>>>           same page
>>>>           >> about this, I can update
>>>>           >> https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-5628.
>>>>           >>
>>>>           >> Another question is: assuming that we implement #1. Do we
>>>>           still need
>>>>           >> filtering (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-11534)?
>>>>           >>
>>>>           >>
>>>>           >> On Fri, Oct 4, 2019 at 8:59 AM Stian Thorgersen
>>>>           <sthorger at redhat.com <mailto:sthorger at redhat.com>> wrote:
>>>>           >> >
>>>>           >> > You can not have an application page in the new account
>>>>           console that lists every client there is in a realm. As I said
>>>>           a large portion of those will not be actual applications, and
>>>>           a portion will be applications that the user does not have
>>>>           access to.
>>>>           >> >
>>>>           >> > There's really two choices here:
>>>>           >> >
>>>>           >> > 1) Limit the list to clients that are actually
>>>>           applications and that the user has access to (I suggested a
>>>>           fairly simple approach, which I believe should work)
>>>>           >> > 2) Only list clients from active sessions - then add a
>>>>           follow-up for 1 at some point in the future
>>>>           >> >
>>>>           >> > My preference here would be 1 for sure as if this is done
>>>>           right it would be a good value add for users to have a place
>>>>           to discover available applications.
>>>>           >> >
>>>>           >> > On Thu, 3 Oct 2019 at 11:54, Bruno Oliveira
>>>>           <bruno at abstractj.org <mailto:bruno at abstractj.org>> wrote:
>>>>           >> >>
>>>>           >> >> On 2019-10-03, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
>>>>           >> >> > Simply returning all clients is not going to work for
>>>>           a few reasons:
>>>>           >> >> >
>>>>           >> >> > * It will return clients that are not applications/UIs
>>>>           >> >> > * It can return applications the user doesn't have
>>>>           access to
>>>>           >> >> > * There can be thousands (in fact we know about users
>>>>           with 10K+ clients)
>>>>           >> >> >
>>>>           >> >> > That means we need the following:
>>>>           >> >> >
>>>>           >> >> > 1) Limit clients returned by the REST endpoint to only
>>>>           those that are
>>>>           >> >> > indeed applications/UIs
>>>>           >> >>
>>>>           >> >> That makes sense, at the same time, not part of our
>>>>           requirements into the
>>>>           >> >> Jira: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-5628.
>>>>           >> >>
>>>>           >> >> Doug is working on it, and if there's anything that has
>>>>           to change, I'd
>>>>           >> >> suggest we bring this up in the same Jira.
>>>>           >> >>
>>>>           >> >> > 2) Limit applications to those the user has access to
>>>>           >> >>
>>>>           >> >> Same as my previous comment
>>>>           >> >>
>>>>           >> >> > 3) Support filtering and pagination (even though 1 and
>>>>           2 most likely will
>>>>           >> >> > significantly reduce the number of applications to 10s
>>>>           of applications, we
>>>>           >> >> > still need to have pagination and filtering support)
>>>>           >> >>
>>>>           >> >> We have a Jira for filtering, but not for pagination.
>>>>           >> >> See: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-11534. But
>>>>           if you think
>>>>           >> >> pagination should also be a part of it, please let us
>>>>           know. Just keep in
>>>>           >> >> mind that this is not part of our plans at the moment.
>>>>           >> >>
>>>>           >> >> Do you really think we need to implement pagination for
>>>>           Applications
>>>>           >> >> endpoint right now? Based on the requirements you
>>>>           described, I don't see
>>>>           >> >> a user with 2000 applications. Just look at how many
>>>>           applications you
>>>>           >> >> have linked into your GH or FB profile.
>>>>           >> >>
>>>>           >> >> Maybe this is something we could postpone? Unless I'm
>>>>           missing something,
>>>>           >> >> I don't see a real need to do it right now.
>>>>           >> >
>>>>           >> >
>>>>           >> > If you do 1 or 2 the list of applications available to
>>>>           any given user will be reduced significantly, so I'm fairly
>>>>           confident that pagination/filtering on the server-side can be
>>>>           postponed in that case.
>>>>           >> >
>>>>           >> >>
>>>>           >> >>
>>>>           >> >> >
>>>>           >> >> > Some ideas on how we can achieve the above:
>>>>           >> >> >
>>>>           >> >> > 1) Figuring out what is indeed applications/UIs
>>>>           >> >> >
>>>>           >> >> > List applications that are added to open sessions,
>>>>           including the below:
>>>>           >> >> >
>>>>           >> >> > * All OIDC clients where: client.baseUrl != null &&
>>>>           !client.bearerOnly
>>>>           >> >> > * All SAML clients where: client.baseUrl != null**
>>>>           >> >> >
>>>>           >> >> > This will make sure we only include applications where
>>>>           the user can
>>>>           >> >> > actually click on the application in the list to go to
>>>>           the application.
>>>>           >> >> >
>>>>           >> >> > ** Not sure if there's anything in addition to check
>>>>           for SAML
>>>>           >> >> >
>>>>           >> >> > 2) Limit applications to those the user has access to
>>>>           >> >> >
>>>>           >> >> > Not sure about this one as we don't really have an
>>>>           easy way to figure out
>>>>           >> >> > if a user has access the an application or not. One
>>>>           idea would be to only
>>>>           >> >> > include clients where user has at least one client
>>>>           role. Even if the
>>>>           >> >> > application doesn't use client roles directly a
>>>>           "dummy" role can be created
>>>>           >> >> > for this purpose by admins/developers.
>>>>           >> >> >
>>>>           >> >> > 3) Pagination and filtering
>>>>           >> >> >
>>>>           >> >> > All endpoints should support pagination and filtering
>>>>           by design. Pagination
>>>>           >> >> > and filtering should be server-side (REST endpoint
>>>>           should provide according
>>>>           >> >> > to our REST guidelines).
>>>>           >> >>
>>>>           >> >> +1 for most of the ideas, except for implementing
>>>>           pagination right now.
>>>>           >> >>
>>>>           >> >> >
>>>>           >> >> > On Wed, 2 Oct 2019 at 19:11, Stan Silvert
>>>>           <ssilvert at redhat.com <mailto:ssilvert at redhat.com>> wrote:
>>>>           >> >> >
>>>>           >> >> > > Specifically, we need to discuss filtering and
>>>>           pagination as it relates
>>>>           >> >> > > to the "Applications" page:
>>>>           >> >> > >
>>>>           >> >> > > https://marvelapp.com/c90dfi0/screen/59942290
>>>>           >> >> > >
>>>>           >> >> > > The current design allows filtering by name and
>>>>           application type.
>>>>           >> >> > >
>>>>           >> >> > > However, Stian has pointed out that some customers
>>>>           will have thousands
>>>>           >> >> > > of clients.  So this design might be unworkable.
>>>>           >> >> > >
>>>>           >> >> > > I don't want to go too far into the weeds right now
>>>>           because I want to
>>>>           >> >> > > understand the problem better first.
>>>>           >> >> > >
>>>>           >> >> > > What is the use case when customers have many, many
>>>>           clients?
>>>>           >> >> > >
>>>>           >> >> > > How common is it to have many, many clients for a
>>>>           single user?
>>>>           >> >> > >
>>>>           >> >> > > What do those clients look like?
>>>>           >> >> > >
>>>>           >> >> > > What could we use to filter on?  The information we
>>>>           currently have on
>>>>           >> >> > > the client side looks something like what you see here:
>>>>           >> >> > >
>>>>           >> >> > > https://marvelapp.com/c90dfi0/screen/59942292
>>>>           >> >> > >
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>>>>           >> >> --
>>>>           >> >>
>>>>           >> >> abstractj
>>>>           >>
>>>>           >>
>>>>           >>
>>>>           >> --
>>>>           >> - abstractj
>>>>           --
>>>>           - abstractj
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