[keycloak-user] Sub-resource authentication (edge case)

Eric Wittmann eric.wittmann at redhat.com
Fri Dec 12 08:06:11 EST 2014

In apiman I have a bit of an edge case that currently isn't working as I 
was hoping (running in wildfly 8.2 - not tested on any other platform).

The issue is that I have a WAR with two sub-contexts:

/api - JAX-RS endpoints to configure the API Gateway
/gateway - the API Gateway (reverse proxy)

I wanted /api to be protected by keycloak, but for /gateway to be 

My web.xml looks like this:


It all works great until I send a request to /gateway/* that includes an 
"Authorization" http header.  If I do that, the adapter tries to 
authenticate with those credentials and fails with a 401 if they don't 
match (which they don't).

I realize this is an odd case, but I did expect that if the web.xml 
specified that only /api/* were protected then other paths would simply 
pass through any Authorization headers.  That may be an incorrect 
expectation - not sure what the servlet spec requires in this case.


Currently I'm probably going to work around this by splitting up the API 
and Gateway servlets into separate WARs.


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