[keycloak-user] Authentication throw a proxy on Undertow

Davide Ungari ungarida at gmail.com
Wed Nov 19 18:33:15 EST 2014

Hi everybody,
this is the big picture:
a. frontend application with Undertow
b. backend application with Undertow and Resteasy for REST API

Both are using Keycloak as SSO.

I'm trying to configure a proxy from A to B in order to expose backend API
without CORS problems to the frontend.

I asked support also to Undertow guys but the issue seems around the
integration of Keycloack in Undertow. My proxy is implemented like:

                final ProxyClient proxyClient = new
SimpleProxyClientProvider(new URI("http://localhost:8181"));
                final ProxyHandler proxyHandler = new
ProxyHandler(proxyClient, servletHandler);
HttpString("Authorization"), new ExchangeAttribute() {
                    public String readAttribute(HttpServerExchange
exchange) {
                        RefreshableKeycloakSecurityContext context =
(RefreshableKeycloakSecurityContext) exchange.getSecurityContext();
                        return "Bearer " + context.getTokenString();

                    public void writeAttribute(HttpServerExchange exchange,
String newValue) throws ReadOnlyAttributeException {
                        // TODO Auto-generated method stub

The problem is that the exchange.getSecurityContext() is always null. Any


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