[keycloak-user] ldap novell eDirectory patch

Stian Thorgersen stian at redhat.com
Wed Apr 15 08:01:51 EDT 2015

----- Original Message -----
> From: "fiorenzo pizza" <fiorenzo.pizza at ict-group.it>
> To: "Marek Posolda" <mposolda at redhat.com>, keycloak-user at lists.jboss.org
> Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 9:08:19 AM
> Subject: Re: [keycloak-user] ldap novell eDirectory patch
> Hi Marek,
> i will fix in the master and then i will send a PR.
> I would like also add italian translation of messages
> (in forms-common-themes -> messages_it.properties).

We'd love to get a PR for Italian. However, for each language we add we need someone to volunteer to maintain it.

Would you be willing to track changes to messages_en.properties and apply to messages_it.properties?

> Fiorenzo
> Il 15/04/15 08:28, Marek Posolda ha scritto:
> Thanks for pointing this. We did not test with Novell eDirectory, so it's
> possible that it didn't work. If you have opportunity to try with latest
> Keycloak master, fix it in master and then send the PR, it will be very
> cool! Note that there was some refactoring in latest master and some code
> you pointed is not valid anymore (PartitionManagerRegistry was refactored
> and renamed to LDAPIdentityStoreRegistry).
> Otherwise I can try to apply it myself and ping you, so you can give it a try
> with novell edirectory (or wait for the next released keycloak version).
> What do you think?
> Marek
> On 15.4.2015 00:30, fiorenzo.pizza at ict-group.it wrote:
> Hi,
> to support Novell eDirectory GUID, you can modify some lines of codes..
> 1) [project keycloak-model-api] -> class: org.keycloak.models.LDAPConstants
> - adding a new vendor constant ( public static final String
> 2) [project keycloak-picketlink-ldap] -> class:
> org.keycloak.picketlink.ldap.PartitionManagerRegistry
> // RHDS is using "nsuniqueid" as unique identifier instead of "entryUUID"
> // Novell eDirectory use "guid"
> if (vendor != null && vendor.equals(LDAPConstants.VENDOR_RHDS)) {
> ldapStoreBuilder.uniqueIdentifierAttributeName("nsuniqueid");
> } else if (LDAPConstants.VENDOR_TIVOLI.equals(vendor)) {
> ldapStoreBuilder.uniqueIdentifierAttributeName("uniqueidentifier");
> } else if (LDAPConstants.VENDOR_NOVELL_EDIRECTORY.equals(vendor)) {
> ldapStoreBuilder.uniqueIdentifierAttributeName("guid");
> }
> 3) [project keycloak-forms-common-themes] -> file: users.js
> $scope.ldapVendors = [
> { "id": "ad", "name": "Active Directory" },
> { "id": "rhds", "name": "Red Hat Directory Server" },
> { "id": "tivoli", "name": "Tivoli" },
> { "id": "edirectory", "name": "eDirectory " },
> { "id": "other", "name": "Other" }
> ];
> What do you think about? I need more time to test my patch.. the keycloak
> project not compiles in my workspace...
> Best Regards
> Fiorenzo Pizza
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