[keycloak-user] IPhone turns off local storage by default and that causes Keycloak.js to fail.

Dean Peterson peterson.dean at gmail.com
Sun Jan 25 18:34:26 EST 2015

IPhones are in private mode by default.  When in private mode, they do not
allow localstorage.  Any application secured with the pure js keycloak file
fails.  When I turn private mode off, the application works.  Will Keycloak
be supporting IPhones with the pure javascript client in the future without
requiring users turn private mode off?

I get the following error in private mode.  The highlighted code is what
causes the error:

QuotaExceededError: DOM Exception 22: An attempt was made to add something
to storage that exceeded the quota.

Jessicakc.createLoginUrl = function(options) {
            var state = createUUID();

            var redirectUri = adapter.redirectUri(options);
            if (options && options.prompt) {
                if (redirectUri.indexOf('?') == -1) {
                    redirectUri += '?prompt=' + options.prompt;
                } else {
                    redirectUri += '&prompt=' + options.prompt;

            sessionStorage.oauthState = state;

            var url = getRealmUrl()
                + '/tokens/login'
                + '?client_id=' + encodeURIComponent(kc.clientId)
                + '&redirect_uri=' + encodeURIComponent(redirectUri)
                + '&state=' + encodeURIComponent(state)
                + '&response_type=code';

            if (options && options.prompt) {
                url += '&prompt=' + options.prompt;

            if (options && options.loginHint) {
                url += '&login_hint=' + options.loginHint;

            return url;
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