[keycloak-user] Custom User Attributes - incorrect paths

Bystrik Horvath bystrik.horvath at gmail.com
Thu Nov 12 04:34:22 EST 2015


I tried to create my own theme by the description in Keycloak Reference
Guide 1.6.1. There are incorrect path (at several places) in chapter 31. -
Custom User Attributes, e.g.:

   1. Create a new theme within the themes/admin/mytheme directory in your
   distribution. Where mytheme is whatever you want to name your theme.

should be:

   1. Create a new theme within the themes/mytheme/admin/ directory in your
   distribution. Where mytheme is whatever you want to name your theme.


   1. Copy the file
   themes/admin/base/resources/partials/user-attribute-entry.html into the
   a mirror directory ...

should be:

   1. Copy the file
   themes/base/admin/resources/partials/user-attribute-entry.html into the
   a mirror directory

Anyway, the file

   1. themes/base/admin/resources/partials/user-attribute-entry.html

 is not presented in the distribution, I found only

   1. themes/base/admin/resources/partials/user-attributes.html

There are several places in chapter 31 where incorrect paths are given as
an example.

Best regards,
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