[keycloak-user] Keycloak Demo Application

Walker, Charles cwalker at sumglobal.com
Thu Sep 24 13:47:40 EDT 2015

I see a lot of folks struggling with some of the same things I've
encountered.  I've been working on a more complete app while testing
keycloaks capabilities.  It is currently:
 * an ubuntu vagrant vm
 * ansible setup
 * keycloak 1.5
 * separate wildfly 9 server
 * openldap server used for user federation
 * jee rest application showing both url protection and programatic ejb
 * angularjs web app
 * nginx ssl reverse proxy

I'll keep improving it as I go along but I thought I would share and it
might help others.

It's at "https://github.com/cwalker67/keycloak_demo"

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