[keycloak-user] retrieving custom user attributes
Arjan Lamers
a.lamers at first8.nl
Wed Sep 30 11:12:14 EDT 2015
I am trying to find an easy way to access custom attributes as defined for
a client. For a Keycloak client, I’ve defined a new Mapper for a *user
attribute* to store some additional authorisation data. This then is
managed by some user domain that uses the keycloak-admin-client to write
that property.
The problem arises when I want to access that property in an JEE
application.The way I do it right now to use the KeycloakPrincipal found in
the javax.ejb.SessionContext. From there, I get the JWT token as a String,
deserialize the JSON and access the custom attribute from there.
This feels like a very roundabout way to get to the token but somehow I am
not able to find an easier way. Is it a missing feature or is it simply too
close to the weekend for me ;)?
a blog post with more details.
Thanks and kind regards,
Arjan Lamers
Met vriendelijke groet,
Arjan Lamers
“God in his wisdom made the fly / And then forgot to tell us why. ”
- Ogden Nash
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