[keycloak-user] Manage Keycloak token inside of the client applications.

ha.hamed@gmail.com hamed at web-presence-in-china.com
Mon Jan 11 04:23:12 EST 2016

I made an app use bearer authentication with Keycloak . I have another app
which wants to use this REST api.
As I know until now, It needs to get token from Keycloak server (I use POST
method), then add this token to the request It needs to send.

But, there's one important issue. This client want to have assess hundreds
time each minute. Is there any tools for Keycloak to help me update the
token when it's required? I mean keep the token for example for 15 minutes
(validation time) then renew it when it's required. I made a statefull
class which get configuration and has getToken() method. Then when the
other classes ask for new token, if it expired this method synchronously
will get new one and return it (Direct grant). Is it right? Is there
anything standard inside of the Keycloak lib already?

Best regards,
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