[keycloak-user] KeyCloak Use Cases

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Tue Jan 12 10:37:44 EST 2016

On 1/11/2016 11:49 PM, Sonia Marginean wrote:
> Hello,
> My org is researching different open source solutions for IDP, SSO and 
> Inbound Federation.
> We are looking into Okta and we’d like to ask a few questions:
>   * Is there any support/training we can get for KeyCloak?
2016 It will be supported by Red Hat in product.
>   * Are there any customer success stories anyone can share?
Yes, but I haven't put them on the website.  Lack of time
>   * Does Keycloak provide and UI for inbound federation setup or Workflow
>   * What are the limits of key cloak with respect to scaling? What is
>     the largest DB key cloak can work with, that someone has tried?
>     (In terms of number of users)
Community will have to answer this.  Keycloak is clusterable and backed 
by a distributed cache (Infinispan).  We are currently working with 
performance team to get some good stress tests and benchmarks in place 
as we have fallen behind in keeping up with performance testing.
>   * Do you provide any mechanism for adaptive authentication? Like
>     requiring additional authentication steps based on authentication
>     patterns  (e.g. If a user logins from a different country than the
>     one he has been logging in from usually, enforce a policy, like
>     require MFA)
We have an Auth SPI where you can code whatever you want for login flow, 
registration flow, reset credentials flow, broker flow, etc..
> Thanks,
> Sonia Marginean
> @Bazaarvoice
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Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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