[keycloak-user] Very slow export/import of realms

Gabriel Lavoie glavoie at gmail.com
Thu Jan 28 13:22:26 EST 2016

    I am currently having issues with very slow export/import of realms
with a large number of users (10K). Both operations take ~10 minutes each.

After digging in the KeyCloak code, I've found out that a lot of "flush" is
done at the Hibernate/JPA level (at least 4-5 times per user).

For the export, there are 4 very slow queries in ExportUtils.exportUser() (
* Set<FederatedIdentityModel> socialLinks =
session.users().getFederatedIdentities(user, realm);
* Set<RoleModel> roles = user.getRoleMappings();
* List<UserConsentModel> consents = user.getConsents();
* for (GroupModel group : user.getGroups()) {

They seem to be caused by Hibernate that forces a flush by default in
"getResultList()". As a workaround I told Hibernate to flush only on commit
of the transaction through "-Dorg.hibernate.flushMode=COMMIT" and the
export time came down to *~20 seconds*.

Could there be any issue of changing the flush mode only for the export?
Data shouldn't change in the database at this moment and queries shouldn't
return stale data.

For the import it seems that changing the flushMode isn't sufficient. It
should likely not be done. However, I found a few places in the
keycloak-model-jpa module where entities are created, persisted, then
em.flush() and em.detatch() is called right away without the entity being
returned (ex: UserAdapter.grantRole() -

If I remove all those flush/detach calls, the import process goes down to *~50
seconds*. What is the reason for flushing every time an entity is created
rather than letting JPA/Hibernate do it when necessary?

Thank you,

Gabriel Lavoie
glavoie at gmail.com
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