[keycloak-user] KEYCLOAK-3202 Creating users causes memory leak

Stian Thorgersen sthorger at redhat.com
Mon Jul 11 01:37:38 EDT 2016


You can relatively easily try though by adding an eviction policy to the
realmVersions cache. I found that with roughly a million users there would
be around 500Mb of memory consumed, which will run you into issues with the
default settings if you have that many users login over a space of a day
and a half.

Empty page could be due to timeout. Is there any errors in the logs? What
is the status code returned with the empty page?

On 8 July 2016 at 10:40, Valerij Timofeev <valerij.timofeev at gmail.com>

> Hi Stian,
> You are the assignee in KEYCLOAK-3202
> <https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-3202>, so I addressed this
> email to you directly.
> I guess that this issue could be the cause of trouble in our production
> environment.
> There are 4 EAP-6 nodes with Keycloak adapters and 2 Keycloak 1.9.4
> standalone servers running in 2 clusters respectively.
> We experience logout failures approximately after one and a half days of
> operation.
> Restarting EAP 6 nodes temporary resolves the logout problem.
> Durable load tests in out test environment showed that login and logout of
> existing users don't result in above behaviour.
> We added to the durable load test additional scenario creating new users
> and were able to reproduce logout failure: users are getting empty page and
> not the login screen as expected. Page reload navigates back into the
> protected web application .
> Logout is accomplished in a Java web applictaion by calling OIDC logout
> endpoint:
> *FacesContext                .getCurrentInstance()
> .getExternalContext()
> .redirect(keycloakDeployment.getLogoutUrl().queryParam("redirect_uri",
> redirectURL).toTemplate());*
> Logout is initiated via h:commandLink, so I suppose that the OIDC logout
> endpoint is called via the GET method. Should we use the POST method
> instead?
> Has servlet logout any advantages?
> *((HttpServletRequest)
> FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest()).logout();*
> I'd appreciate quick response*, *because restarting production EAP
> cluster every day is not a pleasant option ;-)
> Thank you in advance
> Kind regards
> Valerij Timofeev
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