[keycloak-user] One click social-account linking widgets on website autheticated by Keycloak JS adapter

Vlastimil Elias velias at redhat.com
Fri Jul 22 04:54:14 EDT 2016


we have a requirement to implement 'One click social-account linking 
widgets' on website autheticated by Keycloak JS adapter. To achieve this 
a button would be placed on the website with the following flow:

 1. User logs into the website (keycloak JS adapter)
 2. User browser to a part of the site requiring social account linking
    (site checks linking status of current user for given social login
    provider based on info in token - we wrote our mapper for this)
 3. User clicks on a button to link the required social account with his
    Keycloak account
 4. User is directed through the linking process (which is similar as
    Social Link action in Account app)
 5. User is returned to original page on successful account linking
    (token in js client must be refreshed to contain actual info about
    social links).

Is there any way how to achieve this? I tried to call JS client login 
method with idpHint when user is logged in 
(keycloak.login({"idpHint":"github"})), but it doesn't work as expected.

Thanks a lot in advance


Vlastimil Elias
Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat Developer | Engineering

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