[keycloak-user] Getting 401 if trying to access app via loadbalancer

KASALA Štefan Stefan.Kasala at posam.sk
Mon Jun 27 03:18:00 EDT 2016

we have installed JBoss Overlord Rtgov 2.1.0 which is using Keycloak 1.2.0.Beta1. It is running on JBoss EAP 6.3, I will name it with hostname app01. We have a load balancer under another hostname lbapp in front of the deployed app. I am able to call the rest interface of RtGov directly on machine app01 but not using lbapp, I get 401 - Unauthorized from Keycloak. My guess is there is some check against hostname in http request. Is there some possibility to register aliases with the keycloak to enable calls via load balancer? Thanks.
Stefan Kasala


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